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تحميل لانشر ADW Launcher 2 Apk الاصدار الذهبي
تحميل لانشر ADW Launcher 2 Apk الاصدار الذهبي
اهلا و سهلا بكم متابعينا الاعزاء متابعي بوابه اندرويد الشرق – mEandroid.net نظرا لانه تحدث بعض الاخطاء اثناء تثبيت البرامج و الالعاب من جوجل بلاي لذلك فاننا نوفر لكم روابط تحميل مباشره لانشر ADW Launcher 2 Apk باخر اصدار
- نحيط علم الجميع بان لانشر ADW Launcher 2 Apk تمت مراجعته و فحصه جيدا وهو امن للاستخدام علي هواتفكم
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- في حاله عدم وجود لانشر ADW Launcher 2 Apk علي مواقع الرفع المذكوره او تم مسحه يرجي التواصل معنا في التعليقات
- حقوق لانشر ADW Launcher 2 Apk مملوكه لمطوريها و نحن لنا حقوق النشر و في حاله وجود مخالفه قم بالتواصل معنا علي الفور
مميزات لانشر ADW Launcher 2 Apk
- Support for Android 7.1 launcher shortcuts (limited support on older versions down to 5.x)
- Added new icons effects section. You can choose image filters and compositions. Awesome!!!
- Dynamic UI coloring using wallpaper colors.
- New way to manage screens. Hold down an empty area of the desktop.
- New way to add widgets and shortcuts.
- New way to change the wallpaper, lock/unlock the desktop or access settings. Hold down an empty area of the desktop and choose the option.
- Added fast scroll app drawer style.
- Added indexed fast scroll app drawer style.
- Added some desktop transitions.
- Added new section to configure icon badges.
- Added a visual mode to configure desktop, icon appearance, folder appearance, and app drawer options.
- Added option to change the top panel/widget.
- Added option to change the content type of bottom panel (dock/widget).
- Added new wrap folder mode to folders. This mode lets you launch the first app in the folder on tap, and show the folder contents on swipe up.
- Added new fast application search in app drawer.
- Improved app categories in app drawer.
- Improved way to manage user gestures.
- Improved way to apply internal and external themes.
- Improved context menu for all desktop objects.
- Added new Custom Widget object. You can add new custom widgets from widget list, import them from friends and other developers, create, edit and share your own.
- Added some initial extensions for the custom widgets (time/battery)
- Check out ADWExtensions pack for more extensions (weather, gmail, etc).
- Added template manager. Remove, add and share templates easily.
- Improved icon properties dialog.
- Improved folder properties dialog.
- Added backup manager in advanced settings/system. Now you can import data from other famous launchers (if you miss one, report back to us so we can include it!)
- Added the possibility to set a secondary action on desktop shortcuts. Swipe up over the desktop shortcut to execute the secondary action.
- Probably 2 or 200 things I’m forgetting…
- A bunch of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff inside!
صور لانشر ADW Launcher 2 Apk
تفاصيل لانشر ADW Launcher 2 Apk
اسم الملف :
اصدار التطبيق :
حجم الملف : ميجابايت
تاريخ اخر تحديث للتطبيق : 24/3/2017
تراخيص التطبيق : مجانيه
اقل اصدار اندرويد مطلوب : اندرويد 4.0
اقصي اصدار اندرويد مدعوم :6.0 مارشيملو
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